23 February 2009

Presidents Day Cactus

Many years ago a Thanksgiving Cactus (Schlumbergera truncata) was purchased after the death of the Christmas Cactus. The Christmas Cactus was always a bit gaudy with its intense red-pink blossoms. The Thanksgiving cactus looked more serene, more different and unique - a 'requirement' for 'serious' gardeners.

The difference between the tropical Christmas and Thanksgiving cactus is that the Thanksgiving has sharper serrated leaves as compared to the more rounded leaves of the Christmas cactus. And the Thanksgiving cactus is supposed to bloom during November, when Thanksgiving is celebrated.

In the past, this one has bloomed at any time between Christmas and February. This year it picked Presidents Day. I could have begun the bloom earlier by exposing it to cold earlier (like keeping it outdoors during the fall), but I am happy for something blooming this time of year.


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