2015 gardening began this weekend. I packed up and labeled my contributions for the Washington Gardener Magazine annual Seed Exchange. This one held in Virginia is scheduled on the first weekend in February. The day's program began at the registration table to pick up my goody bag of seeds and promotions. Then on to peruse the table full of garden catalogs, old magazines, and more promotions. Then down the ramp to the main attraction: the seeds.

I arrived early, so like a hired agent at a private Southeby's auction, I slithered through the tables of the seed packets, taking notes of prized spoils, and ranked them for possible acquisition later.

He employed a classic planting pattern for spacing crops that was more efficient that a rectangular grid. A quincunx pattern is made of alternately arranged rows, depending on the spacing of the crop, and was a pattern used in classic early gardens. Today you find it widely used for fruit orchard layouts.
In his writings, Thomas Jefferson also mentioned his garden olitory. This referred to his terraced vegetable garden, although the term today is more widely reserved for a kitchen garden for cullinary use. Pat also talked about Jefferson's and early America's connections to European horticulture, especially Italian; climates, the difficulties in translating horticultural terms from writings of the 1700s; and the seed exchange with native peoples around Fort Mandan from whom Lewis and Clark brought seeds to Jefferson.
Pat brought a boatload of seeds from Monticello for us to scarf up. I picked up some nigella, early Jersey Wakefield cabbage, gaillardia, veronica, and scabiosa from our third president's garden. Oh, and for my entrance fee and poppy seeds I also went home with seeds for:
National Pickling Cucumber Oriole Zinnia Purple Calabash Tomato Tip Top Mahogany Nasturtium Royal Burgundy Bean Spacemaster Cucumber Waltham 20 Broccoli French Breakfast Radish Oriental Giant Japanese Spinach | Monarda Lambada White Icicle Radish Green Envy Zinnia Big Jim Chili Pepper Autumn Beauty Sunflower Datura Metal (white) Rocky Mountain Blue Penstemon Blue Lake Beans Pennisetum Orientale | Russian Tarragon Siam Queen Thai Basil Black Beauty Squash Red Oriental Poppy Black Pearl Pepper Yellow Pear Tomato Mary Lou Heard Sweet Pea Danvers Half long Carrot |