21 July 2019

Free Fling Phlox

Say that fast three times. This is my Garden Bloggers Fling phlox blooming now. At least I believe I got if form the 2017 Capital Fling. My other established phlox, a Carolina phlox Miss Lingard (Phlox maculata) blooms in late spring and is finished for the year. I don't know what type this is, but I know what type it isn't.

I believe I received this one at the Garden Bloggers Fling held in summer 2017. It was planted and bloomed a wee bit last year. In the fall, I placed a blank marker next to it while it overwintered so I would remember it was there. I have a history of pulling out or planting on top of new plants previously planted when I cannot remember anything growing there. Space around this yard can be a premium. Well, I didn't remember.

This spring, it began growing -- this little plant next to a marker. It looked like a goldenrod weed or other prevalent weed in our area, but it had a marker. Thinking it might be the ever elusive red lobelia that was known to roam the area, I resisted the temptation to pull it out in April.

It grew very upright and about 3-feet tall (90 cm). Yup. That proves it must be a weed because I had nothing growing in that area which would grow so tall. Then it bloomed last week. A wind storm blew it over, so I stood it upright again for its photography session.

Individual flowers in the cluster are smaller than the Carolina phlox, looking a lilac or buddleia. This year it produced three stalks, each with a pink or light magenta bloom on the end. Small skipper-like butterflies love it. A few lower side shoots without blooms may help it to develop into something larger next year. One can hope. It grows in mostly sun, but under the morning shade of a small redbud tree. And one can label the markers placed next to plants in the fall.

For The Record:
  • Heavy clay soil with organic amendments & mulch
  • Damp soil at base of small hillside
  • Mostly sun but some shade during mornings
  • Small amount of fertilizer
  • No serious pests/disease

17 July 2019

But Hey, It's Free

Sandy from Sandy's Plants spoke about herbaceous plants at one of our winter Master Gardener evening classes two years ago. Sandy runs a "rare and unusual" nursery nearby, growing most of the inventory by herself and staff. The herbaceous plant classes are quite popular, and Sandy was about to make it even more so. She brought in free plants - enough for everyone in the class.

I avoided the class stampede. Since I was a board member at that time, I graciously waited for most others in the room to pick out something. What was left for me was a daylily. Nothing had labels including this one. My plant had some root stock and a handful of leaves. I planted my mystery dayllily.

This is what came up and bloomed. I know it's a tetraploid from the thick short stems and stocky flowers and buds. It blooms pretty much again and again after its initial explosion, which no other daylilies I have do.

I might like to know the name of my new daylily, but am content to just admire it. Mystery forever.