Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day
What's blooming in the garden on the 15th of the month
This is the first October version of Garden Bloggers Bloom Day. There is usually nothing in the garden worthy of a post, but I scraped together some scraps of blooms still hanging on before the frost. It is predicted to come this Sunday night.

Mexican zinnias
(zinnia agustifolia) always come back from seed each year. Slowly starting, never blooming before July, these quarter-sized dudes really take off in August and increase until the frost.

The zinnia mix recently fell over some time while I was away. I heard there was a hurricane offshore and heavy rains. They were never staked back upright or cleaned up since the season was getting on.

I never mentioned the coleus in the containers on the deck. They are worthy of a post by themselves, and do have stories to tell. Maybe next week is appropriate. This one looks like the foliage edges have been stitched.

This waist-high, ruffled lime-green leaf wonder completely engulfed the three-year-old cordyline. And, it has yet to produce a flower spike. Definitely a keeper.

The Irish Eyes rudbeckia reseeded itself after spring blooms, but none the resulting offspring (blooming now) have their mother's green eyes.

My herd of elephant ears
(Colocasia) were impressive this year after I moved them to a new location with more sun. A donation from a fellow gardener, the plain green color now makes me want to try some of the more interesting cultivars. (Those little Cleome and acidanthera scatter themselves all over the garden.)
For other garden bloggers' bloom day photos, check out our host at blog
May Dreams Gardens.