Here it is, one month since my last post. Crickets. I am still talking about the Garden Bloggers Fling. And, I am only on Day 2. Fortunately other bloggers are better at getting photos and thoughts posted in a timely manner.
Summer and life are getting in the way of blogging. So I pick up where I left off a month ago with a few additional photos of Day 2.
Brookside Garden, Wheaton

A very large crape myrtle for our region. Almost a shade tree.

The All-American display garden. A handful of gardens throughout the country display the annual All-American selections. Brookside is one of them.

"Please be gentle with me and do not move me. I have a broken knee. Thank you, Mr. Frog"

A row of
Petasites japonicus along the path at the lake. These would make a good addition to the manscape.
Private Garden of Scott, Arlington

I like the ability to insert a formal feel in the back although there is not much space. It had the feeling of not being too formal -- too "stuffy".

I like this way a big blank wall of the house is treated.

Into every garden a little whimsy must be added.
Private Garden of Jeff, Arlington

The back terrace where the edge of the yard drops off into a steep hillside. Are all those tropicals brought indoors for winter?

Outdoor shower.

Danger! Danger!

Another water feature. Every garden has one.