Apologies for taking so long to cull and post more of the Missouri Botanical Garden photos. Continuing on, the afternoon time was spent in the Climatron - (the tropical greenhouse) and the areas around that western section of the grounds. On this particular day, it was cooler
inside the structure that it was outside.

Chihuly sculptures indoors, too.



Can't have a tropical Climatron without an orchid or two

I have these cannas but not that good-looking

One of the several garden pavilions with cooling interior fountain

One of the intimate demonstration gardens with super colocasia

The original caretaker's 'cottage'

Path near the original owner's home - alocasia, coleus, caladiums

Osage oranges falling

Lighthouse garden folly

Overhead trellis of gourds

One last Chihuly sculpture at the entry hall

Closeup to appreciate its beauty