Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day
What's blooming in the garden on the 15th of the month
It's been almost a year since I posted something. Much time was spent working on an investment house last year, and then surgery, and then beginning a gardening Instagram account. I really like Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, so let's start blogging again.
There is not much springing in spring yet, but here are a few items found.

Yes, I know. Just a crocus. But, these crocuses were in the original gardens when I moved here over 30 years ago. They pop up in different places and in different gardens each year.

Extremely fragrant, jasmine-like, early-blooming white forsythia of the olive family.

Hellebores - I thought there was one color when I picked it up at a plant swap.


Unknown amaryllis bulb picked up at a plant swap and planted in the ground last spring. Brought indoors in the fall, it surprised me by finally blooming now.
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