On a visit to Wililamsburg a few years ago, I stopped at the colonial garden plot. There was a 8-foot tall (2.5 m) cardoon with intense blue flowers on the top, and large 1-foot long (30 cm) leaves. When my landscape architect friends offered a few cardoon plants to me last fall, I eagerly accepted and planted them in the south-facing side yard against the brick house. They stayed green all winter, began growing in March, and reached 6-foot (2 m) in height. Now they are blooming atop the artichoke bud.

One source states "I've found that cardoons offer excellent habitat for Ladybugs to breed and multiply in, so our cardoon patch not only serves as a food crop, it's also an insectary that benefits the rest of our more common vegetable crops." I have seen ladybug nymphs on my cardoons this spring.
Native to the Mediterranean region, the stalks have been a food for centuries according to ancient Greek records, and were even cultivated by American colonists. Some sources claim they are an invasive species - so I guess they fit right in with my gardens. They are sold in a handful of farmer's markets today, and can be found in French, African, and especially Italian cuisine. Recipes for Cardoon Gratin, Sauteed Cardoon with Thyme and Pine Nuts, Cardoon-Pasta, Pureed Cardoon Soup, bechamels, and stews can be found on the internet. So can growing instructions.

For The Record: Heavy clay soil with a few amendments Full sun, normal water No fertilizer Pests include leafhoppers, black aphids, spider mites Garden Calendar: Blooming: pink cosmos, mexican zinnia, rudbeckia, cleome, echinacea, lavender, cardoon, zinnia, platycodon, echinops, nicotiana, monarda, liatris Harvested: 28 cherry tomatoes |
Manscape? Good one! Think the Cardoon is a pretty cool plant, love the structure, nice that it is a good plant for pollinators as well.
ReplyDeleteWhat an informative post! Thanks for the clarification, at first I'm looking at this thinking, isn't that just a thistle? A thistle on steroids... brilliant!
ReplyDeleteThat 'structure' is beginning to fail - I have a leaning tower of cardoon at the moment.
There are thankfully no thorns on this one.
Somehow, my mother would always think of it to be poisonous. She might even yell at the sight of it :D
ReplyDeleteI, on the other hand, adore the blue hues monsters :)
Excellent post. I'm dealing with some of these
ReplyDeleteissues as well..