Two of the hostas have stood out. The first, True Blue, was purchased three years ago and is described as, "Large, heart-shaped gray-blue leaves with slightly wavy margins and moderate puckering, excellent substance and pest resistance, near white flowers." To date, they have proved the description correct.

This fall, however, True Blue turned mellow yellow. The leaves changed color to a neon gold. In the dull shade of the back yard, the yellow is a stand out. In previous years, the leaves may have been a little colorful, but mostly just turned brown and disappeared.
Leaves on trees seem to be holding on longer this fall. My bearded iris is blooming again. Is there a more gradual than normal change in the season this year, allowing the hosta to fade slowly rather than quickly die off? And what are those black and tan pointy thingies hanging off the hostas? For the first time, the True Blue seed pods fully matured, completely dried, and dropped seeds!

The other hostas are turning in this fall as usual. Only the large hostas are putting on a show this year.
Garden Calendar: Blooming: pink cosmos, mexican zinnia, acidanthera |
I just noticed your "journal" page. That's a great idea. I can never remember what I planted when or whether things worked out from one year to the next.
ReplyDeleteI miss having hostas. I do have a couple, but tucked into an area under the deck steps...we have deer and rabbits. I hate spending $$ on deer food -- ya know? In Seaford I had a nice mixed hosta bed...yellow ones and blue ones mixed with the white edged ones...and some ferns. It was a great little garden area.