15 March 2012

March 2012 Bloom Day

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day
What's blooming in the garden on the 15th of the month.
Yawn. These spring pretties have starred in past blog posts, so this time I tried to get as close as my limited camera allows. And, in order to avoid featuring the newest blooming weeds in this bloom day, I present a few words on the one new plant: the blue hyacinth.

A year ago, I forced some hyacinth (Hyacinthus orientalis) bulbs indoors as I had in the past. This time, I tried Sky Jacket, a light blue color. They bloomed nicely during the winter. Last spring, I saved the bulbs, let the foliage die down, and planted them next to the white hyacinth without much expectation. Much to my surprise, they are now blooming, albeit with few actual blossoms.

Note one: the color is more deep blue than they are supposed to be, but they may hit their light blue color as they mature. Note two: yes, you can force hyacinths to bloom, and after letting the foliage die back, plant them outdoors for blooms the following year.

Find other garden bloggers' bloom days at the blog May Dreams Gardens.

Vinca minor

Rhododendron mucronulatum "Cornell Pink'

Narcissus 'Ice Follies'

Narcissus 'Tete-a-tete'


  1. Lovely. I only remembered it was the Ides of March not Bloom Day.

    Isn't this weather over the top?

    Wanna come over and help us weed?

    xo Jane

  2. Love your azalea. My Tete-a-tete isn't blooming yet... :-( It is in a very dry area. Hope it survive.

  3. Your blooms are lovely. I have 'Ice Follies' in my garden, but it hasn't done nearly so well for me here. Seeing yours reminds me of why I planted it in the first place.

  4. Jane,
    It's spring and you need to get with the program. I expect to see your blooms on April 15, I will have some flowers in the house this month.

    These mucronulatum azaleas sure are early aren't they?

    It's nice to see a new visitor; and to visit new places via May Dreams Gardens.


  5. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and I am very humbled after reading your comment. Wish I could grow some of your lovely spring blooms.

  6. 'Sky Jacket' looks like a nice one - I like that it's not as stiff looking as a lot of hyacinths. btw, I found that fern-leafed dicentra at a very good local independent nursery, Garden Supply in Cary, NC. Lucky to have great places to shop here. Happy GBBD!

  7. My yellow narcissus have faded, but the "ice follies" are still perky. I'm now trying my hand at raised beds. Hope they're worth all the work setting them up.

  8. Beautiful blooms, I am so glad spring has arrived! :-) We got a few spring blooms late this week, see my post with pictures, much like your pictures!

    Michael :-)
