Years ago, they were planted in my yard (zone 7a). The seeds are saved annually (although I don't know why since the poppies easily reseed themselves), planted in the fall, and in the spring pop up like poppies do. They have smooth solid leaves of a blue-green color like cabbage, and pink multi-petal blooms resembling shredded coleslaw. They are definitely poppies given the appearance of the seed pods, and given the manner in which they hang their heads until ready to bloom. After the internet came along, voila! - we now know they are: Bombast Rose Poppies (Papaver somniferum var. paeoniflorum).

Second, they hate to be transplanted, and never seem to recover from that shock. Third, they are anti-social plants - not liking crowded conditions. I find they seem to compete with each if close together. Fourth, they do not like heat. This last piece of advice relates to this year's crop.
In the past, a handful would grow to 3-feet tall (1 m) while others would remain midgets with almost no blooms. This year, there is the usual crop of midgets, but a few shot up to 4-feet (1.2 m) in height with gigantic blooms. The over-scaled plants began sprouting earlier than the others when weather was cooler. This may have given them a head start. When the weather changes a bit, the heat seems to toast their lower leaves, reducing the amount of food for the plant, my guess. We had a somewhat cool spring this year, so the plants with the head start really took off early while the others were affected by the heat as they began to grow.
For The Record: Rich well-drained amended soil Full sun Small amount of fertilizer No serious pests/disease No fragrance Garden Calendar: Blooming: pink poppies, nicotiana, coreopsis, salvia, california poppies, tradescantia, rose, cactus |
I love opium poppies - the peony-flowered ones as well as the simpler kinds - but here in Michigan they have similar problems. They rarely get a long enough period of cool weather between the cold winter and the scorching summer to develop properly. This year could have been a good one for them but alas, I did not think to sow any last fall.
ReplyDeleteI thought Michigan would be colder and the poppies happier than here in Virginia.
ReplyDeleteThe title says it all.. Bombastic Poppies indeed.
ReplyDeleteWe live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and these poppies just showed up - lots of them - in our front garden this year. ??? Are these kind of a wild flower/weed?