It was planted about four years ago in the sloping side yard garden and did not do much. Oh sure, it reliably appeared each year, was not high maintenance, and put up a couple of flowers in the summer - nothing special, until this year.
Echinops is derived from the latin word for hedgehog, due to the appearance of the flower. As part of the aster family, the 'globe thistle' is comfortable in coarse poor soil conditions, and tolerates drought and low water environments. All internet sources recommend good drainage. Well, I guess I have those conditions covered with the side yard slope and soils only partially improved.
It is native to Eurasia, but lives on other continents, especially as a weed. It was given an award of merit by the Royal Horticultural Society for outstanding excellence. I wonder if weeds are nominated as a joke.
Everywhere states it is attractive to bees and butterflies. No kidding; I can't keep them off - even for a photo. There are always bumbles on my plant.

For The Record: Clay soil with organic amendments being added Full sun Small amount of fertilizer in spring No serious pests/disease |
Garden Calendar: Blooming: cosmos, mexican zinnia, zinnia, agastache, echinacea, sunflower, nicotiana, cleome, marigold,   phlox, hosta, buddleia, cardoon, rudbeckia Harvested: 2 peppers, 4 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, 5 onions |
On my last trip to Denver Botanical Garden, I think I spent about an hour of my precious time photographing bees on their impressive Echinops.
ReplyDeleteI don't have this plant, but do have Eryngiums that are similar in appearance. After all this rain this summer I worry about my drought tolerant plants.