15 August 2021

August Bloom Day

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day
What's blooming in the garden on the 15th of the month

I scrounged through my phjotos I have saved for Instagram postings, and took a few tonight before the sun went down. The 15th sneaked up on me this month.

Interesting story on this. If you snoop through past years of posts, you know I like growing different dwarf sunflowers. The last cultivar tried had some seeds I saved for the birds. I planted a few the following year, and saved these seeds and planted this year. The blooms are a nice manageable size, but they are not very drawf, stading at about 5-feet (1.5 m) tall, and do not match the original hybrid. I like the flowers though.

Tithonia is new to me this year. I am impressed by the pollinators that constantly visit it, and it's preference for poor soil, and a hot dry environment.

Cutleaf rudbeckia last week, Now, after some rain storms, it's falling over but still blooming up a storm.

This is the only ruby red zinnia 'Cherry Queen' I photographed so far. Hummingbirds stop by, but I don't really know how much they get out of the flower. Beautiful color.

Just starting to bloom now, the cardinal flower lobelia was labed as 'Blue Lobelia' at the spring plant swap. Oops.

Late summer blooming garden phlox. Another pollinator love.

Find more ther garden bloggers' blooms on May Dream Gardens.


  1. My eye was drawn to the cutleaf rudbeckia, but then I reminded myself I have so many coreopsis that color it wouldn't show up.
    I grow Mexican red sunflowers every year, they're one of my "always" annuals.

  2. I love the sunflowers. I started some from seed but the rabbits took many of the seedlings and half of those I planted out died due to excessively dry soil, leaving just a few growing in my cutting garden, where they've yet to bloom. Every year I plan to sow Tithonia seeds (I even have a packet of seeds somewhere) and once again I failed to do so.

  3. Don't you love tithonia? Such a versatile and hardy plant and the butterflies love it. It reseeds in my garden every year and I'm happy to let it.

    1. Dorothy,
      I do like it - I will see if it reseeds for next year. I will also try saving some seeds. -Ray

  4. These are some fantastic flowers! I love the rudbeckia.

    Feel free to share at My Corner of the World

  5. Beautiful blooms and I love the sunflowers! They are one of my favorites this time of the year!
