I divided it into twins and placed them in a sunny location like their original home. With some TLC throughout the summer, they grew slowly. This spring, each came back and shot up some magenta blooms. Based on these, I identified the plant as Cranesbill Bevan's Variety (Geranium macrorrhizum). Isn't the internet wonderful?

You Are Invited To A Plant Swap Brunch
All gardeners are welcome - maybe some local garden blog readers would like to stop in. Our plant swap brunch is near the Huntington Metro station in Alexandria, 12:00-1:00 PM, Saturday May 1 at the Huntington Community Center on Liberty Drive. Bring something to swap (seeds, seedling, plant) and a brunch item. Contact me if you need further info. At last year's spring plant swap, coreopsis, hosta, lettuce, St. John's Wort, and iris all walked my way. I said goodbye to pepper, & tomato seedlings, asters, dragonflowers, geraniums, and cosmos & castor bean seeds.
For The Record: Well drained soil Full sun No pests or disease Garden Calendar: Blooming: Cranesbill geranium, allium, azalea, viburnum Germinated: peppers (12 days), castor bean (5 days), tomatoes (9 days) millet (8 days), cleome (14 days), hollyhock (11 days) |
I love these plants, but, alas, cannot grow them here in the Deep South - too hot at night. Lovely colored flower.
Always Growing