Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day
What's blooming in the garden on the 15th of the month
It's hot. Not setting records for highest temperature, but setting records for consecutive days above 90 degrees (32 C.) Even so, I have some bloomers that are so far enjoying the weather.

This is 'Cherokee Star' daylily. It really is quite red. I would plant this in a more shady spot in the future because the hot sun fades out the colors. This one was photographed in the morning.

The daylily cultivar is unknown. It's been in its home for decades, and only divided twice.

This is a double orange daylily. It proliferates in my neighborhood, so I guess someone passed it around. I have never seen it before moving here.

'Phenomenal Lavender' was in the goodies that I received at the Washington DC Garden Bloggers Fling a few years ago. It really is phenomenal.

Echinops or globe thistle is a pollinator magnet. I hope to have more - it reseeds itself all over, but we must wait for its second year for any flowers to appear.

Gooseneck loosestrife
Lysimachia loves to spread. Gardener beware. You have been warned.

This beauty coneflower 'Sundown' does not grow very well. It is weaker than the native, and colors don't hold up after time.

The original coneflower. Some colors are more intense-pink than others. I don't know why.
For other garden bloggers' bloom day photos, spring over to the blog
May Dreams Gardens